Product management for the architecture and software development space.


From a hunch to a soliloquy onto proposition, schematic diagram, and full-fledged venture, it all begins with the idea that needs nurturing and maturation.

We create product development structures while driving execution with inspiration and efficiency, from inception through conceptual iteration to the first prototype. Successful program and product development requires methodology, intuition, and vision-aware leadership.

We help you to find the best iteration methodology, be it embracing failure to develop rapidly or deliberately advancing through an optimized testing and integration regime. We focus on viability while teams iterate progressive implementations of use case footprints.


Some of the things we engage in advancing your mission:

  • Strategy evaluation

  • Project brief development

  • Phasing implementation

  • Cross-discipline process optimization

  • Prototype validation and sign-off

  • Contract negotiation and management

  • Regulatory approval coordination

We review existing concepts and conditions to issue recommendations for a staged course of action. All processes and involved parties proceed toward completion and sign-off thereafter.



Saudi Aramco’s cultural center in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Client: Art+Com AG

After a prolonged project stoppage, we were asked to manage the completion of an extensive media technology and software platform. Services provided:

  • Design and implementation of a recommencement strategy for all software development and hardware integration

  • Coordination of engineering and manufacturing of test beds for custom touch-interface technology validation

  • Implementation of unit testing and integration regime for on-site hardware

  • Management of SCRUM-based continuous integration pipeline

  • Management of on-site integration of all hard- and software components

  • Required regulatory and client sign-offs

Case study


Research platform of an ESG data and technology company, client: SD Identity UG.

In pursuit of a unified research experience for globally accessible ESG data, SDiD invested in a curated data analysis and research environment. We applied our intent-focused methodology to assist with:

  • Overall program management 

    • Implementation of a CD and integration pipeline

    • DevOps procedures

    • Feature development process

      • Product ownership structure

      • Effort estimates

      • Wireframes

      • Proof of concept mock-ups

  • Tutorial development and PR strategy

    • Message crafting

      • How do you make a subject as sober as large data-set research compelling and whimsical?  

    • Character development 

      • Enter Dino, a transplanted New Jersey native with an investment-jones and lots of family connections. By juxtaposing (SDiD CEO) Erik’s mild-mannered and congenial ways of explaining things with the vernacular and mannerisms of Dino, we created a canvas for exploring the similarities between big-business and small-time operations in the realm of sustainability.

    • Script development

    • Production

    • Musical score production

    In collaboration with our ace ++ homies at

Case study

We have supported organizations in improving productivity and efficiency in a range of industries.

Let’s replace the management acronym soup with in-depth design development knowledge and apply a suitable methodology to specific project needs. Our experience instills a culture of credence and creative freedom within multidisciplinary technology groups.


Get in touch.

For any inquiries and suggestions please drop us a line here. Discourse is a spice of life.